Zapraszamy na seminarium Piotra Faliszewskiego

event-date: 01.05.2020

Zapraszamy na najbliższe seminarium z serii COMSOC Video Seminars, na którym Piotr Faliszewski będzie przedstawiał mapę wyborów, narzędzie badawcze opracowane wspólnie z naszym współpracownikiem Stanisławem Szufą, a także Piotrem Skowronem, Nimrodem Talmonem i Arkadiim Slinko.

Drawing a Map of Elections in the Space of Statistical Cultures

We consider the problem of forming a testbed of elections to be used for various election-related experiments (such as testing algorithms or estimating the frequency of a given phenomenon). We seek elections that come from well-known statistical distributions and are as diverse as possible. To this end, we define a (pseudo)metric over elections, generate a large set of election instances, and measure distances between them, to assess how diverse they are. We argue that our metric is a reasonable choice, and we show how the resulting set of elections can be used to evaluate election-related algorithms.

Joint work with Stanislaw Szufa, Piotr Skowron, Nimrod Talmon, and Arkadii Slinko.

Published Date: 30.04.2020
Published by: Dariusz Stolicki